Behold! The Slime Mold!

It isn't a very kindhearted name for what is a pretty astounding little single cell critter...who occasionally sends out a chemical signal to other slime molds and then they become a giant single cell full of nuclei or a temporary multicellular critter. I think they are fascinating and as a budding mycologist, I welcome them! They have intelligence without having a pesky brain or even nervous system. Studies have shown they can solve complex transportation problems - they know how to find the most efficient way through a maze to get to the food on the other side. They also have some way to mark the passage of time and can anticipate routine events ...and they can learn to like stuff they don't normally like . But even more cool than that? Once they are habituated to something and then become hooked up with other single cell slime molds? They share that knowledge and all of them behave the way the wise one does. We have been lucky enough to host TWO slime ...