The End of the World as we Know It
They have fired thousands in the National Parks Service.
They have covered up the historical role of women and people of color across websites.
They have put a tinfoil hat lunatic conspiracy theorist, John F. Kennedy, Jr., in charge of the CDC.
They have ordered funding cut to schools that mandate COVID-19 vaccines.
They have antagonized our international friends by threatening to annex Canada, Greenland, and the Panama Canal.
They have wiped all reference to the climate crisis from federal websites.
They have done absurd, petty things like renaming the Gulf of Mexico (that will not stand) and allowing the use of plastic drinking straws again.
They have unleashed an oil drilling binge.
These people are vandalizing the planet we all live on, poisoning our air and water.
And corporations, like Target, led by a fascist piece of sub-human garbage, Brian C. Cornell, are caving to this B.S. Target withdrew support for Minneapolis Pride.
These scum are doing their level best to ruin the world we live in.
All that and more in just a month. They have thrown a blender into the fishtank. By the time the courts catch up and try to put a halt to these crimes (which they may or may not do), it will already be too late. Fish soup.
I loved the original series of the NCIS. Agent Gibbs had a list of Rules: "#40, If it seems like someone is out to get you, they are."
What to do?
Everything is not going to be alright. There's a rubbish lie out there that "the arc of history bends toward the light." Not unless it is pushed. It can just as easily turn to darkness and barbarism.
So: #1, we protect ourselves. We got a dog (Olive, pictured above). Hopefully, she is just a friendly companion, part of the family. But she is also an early warning system and a ball of teeth and fangs that is fiercely loyal to us.
We bought guns. One thing the Right in this country is famous for is exercising their Second Amendment rights. (They are all in favor of burning the rest of the Constitution - especially the First Amendment, and I'd single out the Establishment Clause), but, boy howdy do they like their guns.
Well, two can play at that game. K. has always been a pacifist, and vehemently anti-gun. But if the barbarians are at the gates, we are now armed to the teeth, and we know how to use them. Anyone can. And everyone on the Left should go out and do this right this minute so that they can't walk over us.
The garden this year has to be more geared toward producing the maximum number of calories possible. Groceries are already getting more expensive.
Who knows what happens to our jobs? We are stockpiling food. We purchased a vacuum sealer to minimize our waste.
Every single day we are doing something (legal) to resist the destruction of our way of life, as laid out in that twisted fuck Russell Vought's Plan 2025.
But we all have to take care of ourselves and those we care about first.
It feels like the beginning of COVID. Something truly nightmarish and historical is happening, and, as luck would have it, we are going to have to live through it. We're a drop of rain on the ocean of history. If anyone survives this, what will future historians say.
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