Planting More Tomatoes, Planting vs. Pesticides Strategy

Three more tomato varieties planted this morning

They took a while to get here, but the Seed Savers tomatoes that I ordered did arrive. The trusty Wisconsin Chief that we've been growing for the past two years. In the end, I thought it would be nice to have a few that we know for sure are delicious. And we also wanted some yellow & cherry tomatoes. I anticipate a lot of salsa being made this summer because of the massive numbers of peppers that germinated that I didn't have the heart to purge, thus pricking out and potting up about 3x the number I'd planned. I figure I can make room for in the garden. Or give them to friends. 

Theoretically, we still have about five weeks to go before it is time to plant out, Memorial Day weekend being the big one for these warm weather crops. It is hard to imagine because it has been snowing for two days straight. 

An interesting article today on CNN, "Dirty Dozen 2022: Produce with the most and least pesticides." 

We are nowhere near as food independent as we would like to be, and these are a lot of reasons to become more independent. 

Turns out your worst for pesticides are also things that we plan to grow in abundance. There's a nice table in the article. But high on the list: strawberries, tomatoes, peppers, apples, kale & spinach. Those should be big crops for us this year. This is a total coincidence to date. However, it might be something to consider when prioritizing what to plant in limited space.



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