Caged by Rain Again

It's been a wet, cool spring, making it difficult to believe that we are already halfway through June. It is amazing how quickly things have grown. We certainly have not been burdened with the need to water. Even now, we have "heavy rain" and 67 degrees outside. We've had this a lot. Minnesota is out of draught, and still, it rains. 

Tomorrow is supposed to be our first truly steamy day, with a high of 89 and FEMA telling us that there's a heat advisory. Hooray!

A few strawberries have shown up. There are many, many raspberries preparing getting ready. The tomatoes, cheaters & non-cheaters, are blossoming. The Early Girls actually have little green tomatoes on them. 

One thing that's not happened today is any work on the garden path up to the garage, or finishing the work on the garden paths down in the berry patch. The clock ticks the weekend away, and still no progress. 

Tomorrow is another day. Work awaits!



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