Zone 5


We shouldn't be seeing this garlic

So it turns out that we are now in Zone 5a per the USDA's plant hardiness zones, up from Zone 4b. 

Another sign that we are all doomed. It's real this climate change, and it is happening. Nobody is "safe."

I'll be replanting the garlic this weekend, as the bulbs I put in Oct. 16 are all sprouted and will not be coming back. 

The weather does look like it will be changing by the end of this week. I will be overseeding the lawn with red fescue to complement the white clover. Going to make an effort to improve the lawn parts of the yard. "Grass is trash," but we do have lawn.

Zone 5...It looks like pear trees are a possibility now. I imagine that all of the seed packets will now have to be re-printed.


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