Action Time

There's a time for planning, and a time for philosophizing, and a time when you absolutely need to do the things and have little time for recording progress.

This is one of the latter. Spring in Minnesota moves swiftly. One minute, there are howling winds, everything is grey, icy, and cold. Then BAM! Everything is green. Trees have leafed out. Lilacs are blooming. Dandelions are bursting forth. 

Most importantly, the plans that have been made must be fulfilled. Beds need to be cleaned out and planted. 

We've made some good progress. Beets, lettuce, rocket, zucchini, kale, strawberries, raspberries, sunflowers, pumpkins, three kinds of acorn squash, parsnips, nasturtiums (sadly misspelled in the plans), marigolds, and cosmos are planted. Tulips have nearly run their course. Daffodils are about done. Crocus are long gone. Clover has popped out of last year's slag from the stairway excavations. 

Sadly, because we were on vacation in Maine over the weekend of the 6th to visit relatives and run the Bridge the Gap 10 Mile foot race, we opened the window to plant tomatoes and peppers and eggplant in the greenhouses a bit late. 

I am engaged in an experiment: Some of the plants are indoors under fluorescent lights. An equal number are outside in a greenhouse on the deck under natural light, but in the elements. The results won't be in until we get them in the ground and see which ones are hardiest, but the indoor plants are off to a faster start.

Time moves on apace. No time to write more. Action! That's what's called for. 



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