Memorial Weekend. Everything Must Happen.

This weekend saw a LOT of work. We re-painted the deck, constructed anti-squirrel fortifications, ripped up a massive patch of creeping Charlie, planted annual flowers in the front, dug out many dandelions, put in more mulch, combined with a 9 mile fast-finish long run (1st week of training for the Ely Marathon in September). All in all, the manufacturers of acetaminophen and ibuprofen must be pleased. The photo above pictures the new "lobster trap" seedling protectors, in this case protecting tiny pepper & eggplant seedlings. A new design this year, using hoops, chicken-wire & 2x2's. What can't you solve with 2x2's, chicken-wire and a staple gun. Two are built, but I ran out of chicken-wire and need to make a re-supply run. Now, we like squirrels as much as the next person, but they seem especially aggressive this year. We're using a multi-prong approach. Plastic forks as a palisade (as around these zucchini): Irish Spring soap in pouches and spread...