Blown Away

45 mile per hour gusts of wind today blew over the empty firewood rack. A grey sky is lowering upon us. The squirrel houses are swaying in the treetops. Wouldn't want to be a squirrel today. Who would you sue if your house got blown down or the tree limb broke? 

Will this insufferable winter ever end? 36 degrees tonight. 

In spite of the truly wretched weather, we accomplished some things over the past week. On Saturday I uncovered the strawberries. Hopefully this was not premature.

I got some sunflowers planted in the squash bed, "Autumn Beauty" variety. I also put a couple in the bed with the peas for some late summer interest. Planted one of the three beds in front of the deck with spinach. Popeye would be happy.

I also tossed down another ten pounds of Dutch White Clover seed throughout the yard, and put down some black eyed Susan & milkweed seeds in some spots that are destined not to get mowed this year. Hopefully a nice pollinator spread will work on the hillside under one of the trees. Photos will follow if it works. 

Oi. Need some warmth soon.



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