Signs of Life

Signs of life this week as things seem on point to begin. While we've, unusually, not had a single day over 50 degrees this March (and are not forecast to have one), the sun has been shining, and we're actually producing more electricity with the solar panels than we've been consuming - something we haven't seen since last fall.

If you look closely at the image above, you can see the yellow arrow pointed toward a cauliflower seedling that emerged. Most of the pots we planted last weekend have just begun to show sprouts. I think this may have something to do with my vocal encouragements "Good morning little cauliflower! Time for a big day of growing!" and my evening guitar serenades. What small plant wouldn't want to hear the Ventures "Walk Don't Run" or Airbourne's "Too Much, Too Young, Too Fast" played with (slowly) increasing skill?

The slag from last fall's excavations for the stairway has, indeed, turned to mud.

This makes it perfect for replacing with clover. There's a 5 lb. sack of Dutch white clover sitting in the basement. Sadly, according to some reading I've done, we won't want to put it out until overnight temperatures stay in the 40's. It should work a transformation on the sun-scorched side of the hill next summer. 

Projects indoors continue. K. has spent some time with her wardrobe doing Marie Kondo style decluttering. The task of painting all of the woodwork in the house that sits over the spaces where the new carpet will be installed is an ongoing challenge.

No rest. As a former boss of mine said, "You can sleep when you die." 



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