Ah, Spring!


Yes, today marks the first day of spring, the spring solstice, ushering in Persephone, Queen of the Underworld, rises from Hades to bring the warm breezes, the green leaves, and the fertile land, which has but slept beneath winter's snows, to flower.

She seems to be late, per the observed conditions out Surbiton Manor's front window.

Nevertheless, the weekend marked the first seeds in the soil. I dropped the snowball cauliflower into the greenhouse, after giving it a good scrub in hopes of avoiding last year's issues with fruit flies.

These will need to be planted out just after last frost, which, in theory, should be May 11...We shall see.

Meanwhile, on the interior of Surbiton Manor, the painting death march toward Carpet Day continues. The baseboards are now complete. If the carpet were installed tomorrow, at least that would be done. 

A bit of retail therapy happened last week when I got a new (Open Box scratch & dent) Epiphone Les Paul '61 SG. Fantastic guitar.

I must now cut my entry short, in order to go and practice "Walk, Don't Run" by the Ventures.


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