Into the Ground

The pepper bed is full of peppers.

The tomato bed is half full of tomatoes, mostly Wisconsin Chief tomatoes.

Cucumber seeds have been planted by the trellis next to the snap peas. Snap peas come early, cucumbers come later.

So peppers, tomatoes, varieties of greens, peas, cucumbers, beets are all in the ground now. 

No sign of the lettuce, but that wasn't planted that long ago.

Tulips are up.

Our yard is full of lovely violets

The bumble bees seem to like them. We have quite a few of them out there. I won't be mowing the back yard until the violets are done. I cut down quite a few out in the front yard this afternoon, because I was concerned that the mower wouldn't be able to go through them if they and the clover and the dandelions got much bigger. But I sort of regret it. I think the yard looked better with the flowers.

There was a LOT of clover, though, which added a LOT of much-needed green to the compost pile. Soaked that down good, and it looks like things are rotting along swimmingly.

It was a hot, sunny weekend, which we spent mostly out of town at the Stoughton, Wisconsin Syttende Mai festival, running the 20 mile "classic" run (and not terribly successfully because of a humid 86 degrees at the finish line). I sort of ran myself into the ground. But no harm done. The first 20 miler of a marathon plan is always tough. 

A lot of gardening was packed in before and after the trip.




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