40ish, Cloudy, Rain/Snow Mix, Howling Wind for Foreseeable Future

I just spent the last 2-1/2 thankless hours potting up the latest batch of tomatoes. They are sealed into the greenhouse along with the seemingly unkillable fruit flies. They are immune to the death poison that killed them last year. But they're not immune to sticky stuff. All those little yellow things in the picture, those are sticky stuff, and they are covered in carnage. The good news, the tomatoes are looking good. The bad news is the continued wretched weather. While garlic shoots are starting to show and crocus and tulips are waking up, we're still looking forward (used in the most literal sense without the common attendant optimism) to nights in the 20's this week. This means that I didn't plant the kale, and I didn't rake the straw back from the strawberry patch this weekend. 20-30 mph. winds can really bring you down. Yesterday we almost reached 70 degrees, but it was ruined by the blasting force of the never-ending gale. I know, because I spent 16 miles...