Tomatoes in the Greenhouse


The weekend before last saw the year's tomato plants seeded and put in the greenhouse. 

Last weekend they germinated.

Greenhouse #1 is now full. This is O.K., as it will be a few weeks before we need to plant anything else. We may be a little ahead with the tomatoes and peppers, but it allows for misfires, and will hopefully result in some good sized plants to put outside come Memorial Day weekend. 

We planted Pure Pollination beefsteak tomatoes, Eden Brothers "Delicious" tomatoes (20 each), and 6 each of yellow pear tomatoes & something called a "Floridade" tomato, which Pure Pollination apparently substituted for their usually reliable cherry tomatoes. I'm a little nervous about that one, as it relies on hot, humid temperatures. We get that, but not for terribly long. We drastically cut back on the yellow tomatoes. Those things grow like weeds. While I won't say we got sick of eating them last summer...we sort of did get sick of eating them last summer. Like them, but just not so many. They'll be comingling with the garlic this year.

One slight worry that I have is that the greenhouse is quite humid. This causes condensation on the sides, which then runs down to the carpet below. I think it is manageable, but I'm keeping a close eye on it. I'm also a little concerned that the plants may be slightly overwatered at the moment. Nothing a day under the flourescents won't cure.


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