Ravaged Cabbage & a Delay on Bulbs & Other Weekend Chores


Zipper, apprentice electrician

We'd planned to get outside to plant crocus and daffodil bulbs this weekend, but thought better of it. Despite it being October, the extended forecast doesn't have a low that goes below the mid-40's for at least ten days. We don't want the bulbs getting any ideas. Likewise with the garlic. We're going to have to wait.

Sadly, our last fully formed cabbage, which had looked really tasty and fully formed, was chewed on by some small, furry wildlife. Could be bunnies. Could be squirrels. We weren't interested in their leftovers, and composted it in sadness.

Planted eight cabbages and harvested one. Cabbage was not a resounding success.

"Pass me a Phillips screwdriver, will you?"

Instead of planting bulbs, we installed bulb - a new light fixture in the kitchen, with Zipper's help.

It is a new LED fixture that is capable of channeling the blinding light of 10,000 suns (see 4:37...), as the Moody Blues would have it in their pompous hippie way. 

"Too bright. It'll have to go."


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