Expanding Greenhouse Space
It's April 21. That's roughly a month before we will be able to plant peppers and tomatoes (the majority of the greenhouse residents) outside. I'd deluded myself into thinking that this might be moved up this year, but Minnesota weather being what it is (little white flakes of snow are sifting down from the sky as I write), there's been a change of plans.
Fortunately or unfortunately, I planted a lot of things early. It's fortunate, because the plants will be bigger, stronger, and closer to harvest when we do put them out. It's unfortunate, because we ran out of space in Greenhouse 1, and had to purchase another one. It was the work of an hour or so to spread out the grow lights, run the wiring, and assemble the new one. It will probably take a while to transplant the 140 plants that need it from their little 10 square seedling trays into 3" pots this weekend.
Meanwhile, my home office is beginning to look a little bit like Dr. Harrison Chase's mansion in the Dr. Who episode Seeds of Doom.
Bare root strawberries and dwarf Honeycrisp apple trees have shipped. It is shaping up to be a busy week.
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