Busy Time of Year

Steepmeadow is changing. Spring has, I think we can say with some measure of certitude, sprung. We were shocked this week to see the fritillaria that we thought had been devoured by squirrels last fall immediately after we panted them spring from the mulch around the lamppost in the front yard. Tiny little delicate and amazing things these are. We had a nasty, nasty cold snap last week. We had to concentrate on hardscape. One thing that's worried me is that our garbage cans were basically on display on a concrete slab at the side of our garage. The slab was pretty obviously poured there for the purpose. However, in perusing the city rules concerning front yard gardening restrictions (there aren't too many) and solar panel installation restrictions (there aren't any), I did discover that your garbage cans need to be hidden from sight. With the city inspectors likely to be nosing around soon to inspect the solar panel installation, I figured we'd want to be in compliance...