Spring Has Sprung: Time and Motion Wait for No One


Indoor and outdoor projects dominated a weekend that might have been nicer, weather-wise. 

It was deceptively unpleasant outside. The sun shone in the sky, the temperature climbed into the 50's, and yet, somehow, the light, 20 mph. zephyr that howled unceasingly managed to take the shine off of things just a little.

Still, we didn't get where we are today by getting deterred by a wee bit of weather. Many things are on point to begin, awaiting the passage of time, labor, or something else. Our accomplishments include:

  • Adding cosmos and yellow summer squash to the greenhouse, which is beginning to reach capacity.
  • A strong start to the front curb-appeal project. Kiki was up and out the door before 8:00 this morning in her overalls and yellow wellies hauling heavy paver blocks from the back yard and placing them, and a few pots. 
  • Devising and constructing a fitted uber-cloche from the lumber originally purchased to tame the blancmange cover for the prototype raised bed (after a re-think).
  • Taking out the patio furniture.
  • In Kiki's case, spending a fair amount of unexpected quality time with a box of wood she received, turning it into an Adirondack chair for the new front space. 
Pavers awaiting burial

Pots, awaiting flowers

Fancy new cloche, awaiting early greens (rocket & kale)

The greenhouse with nearly it's full compliment of seedlings, awaiting their growth into mighty plants

The first crocus starting to peak through, awaiting sunny days

The almost shocking revelation that all five Red Siberian hard-neck garlic plants that went in last October are, in fact, coming up. 

Zipper, awaiting humans needing naps

Contents of the greenhouse are now as follows:

Updated 3/21/2021
NumberPlantDate PlantedDate PlantedNotes:
0Black Krim TomatoJanuaryDead
10Broccoli6 on 3/144 more on 3/16(miscounted)
6Bulgarian Carrot Pepper
Unknown - before 3/15/21
6Cabbage3/12/2021seedlings visible 3/15
4Calabrese Broccoli14-Mar
4Cauliflower (snowball)3/14
7Cherokee Purple Tomato2 on 2/275 on 3/14
3Cherry Tomatoes3 on 3/17Found spare pack of seeds in the basement
30Marigolds20 on 3/14/202110 on 3/6
23MarigoldsPre-March 14
10Milkweed3/6Germinated 3/15
16Nasturtium6 on 2/1410 on 3/6
3Pumpkins (small, sweet)3 on 3/16
15Ruby King Pepper27-Feb
4Snowball Cauliflower14-MarFull complimment
3Standard Summer Squash (Zucchini)14-Mar
3Summer Squash - Yellow3/20
12Sweet Banana Pepper9 on 3/6/21
20Wisconsin Chief Tomato10 on 3/610 on 3/15
15Yellow Pear Tomatoes3/14/2021, 103/15/2021, 5
5YOLO Wonder Peppers2/26

All in all, a meaningful and productive weekend. 


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