More Raised Bed Construction
Another long-weekend, another raised bed constructed.
I won't lie, building the beds on the steepest part of the Steepmeadow Hill is not easy. Getting all of the boards level with each other is not terribly difficult. But what is difficult is trenching them back into the hillside. This was compounded in difficulty this weekend by the changeable weather, which forced me to quickly stash the power-tools in the shed out of the rain when I was very, very nearly done. And yet, I was able to wrap up the project as the shadows (see above) grew longer.
Another chore that I was able to complete was replacing the small ramp into the shed. While it's difficult to tell from the photo, the slimy, rotting boards that were there when we moved in also had a tendency to pop up and expose rusty nails. No longer.

We're very nearly there with the construction, depending on whether we want to complete a new row of three beds above the current two on the south side of the shed, or whether we want to leave that until spring. If we wait, there will be only two more to go. And those will have to wait until after the first frost kills off the tomatoes and zucchini, which are, remarkably, still producing.
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