A Short Note on Philosophy

 "Self sufficiency, my dear. Self sufficiency." So said Tom Good to Barbara in the T.V. show that gave us a bit of inspiration for this venture. 

As I took a look at the hell-rectangle that I keep in my pocket this morning and saw headlines of wildfires burning the west, hurricanes ravaging the south, and worldwide pandemic, it reinforced to me what we're doing here

It's much less about "rugged individualism" than it is about trying to wrest some tiny bit of control back from the Machine. And it a practical hedge against the calamities outside.

Who knows what disasters are next? Is the food supply in danger? Will there be a new Cold War with China. Will the streets of major cities be flooded with goons in battle gear wielding batons and tear gas against peaceful protesters? 

Steepmeadow is an attempt to build an island in this madness, and to expand the circle of things we can control ourselves. 

In Star Wars: A New Hope, when C-3PO asks Luke Skywalker which planet he is on, after he and R2-D2 escape from the Imperial forces who have captured Princess Leah's Rebel Blockade Runner with the plans for the Death Star, are captured by Jawas and sold to Luke's Uncle Owen, Luke says, "If there's a bright center to the universe, you're on the planet that it's farthest from." 

My response would be, "Perfect."


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