
The corn needed to be dealt with. It had resorted to trickery to try and keep itself in the garden but I'd had more than enough empty sacks of corn husks and horrifying mutant cobs. I mercilessly yanked it all out, maniacally laughing as I did. Not really, but it was pleasant to remove what had become such an persistent eyesore. In so doing,  I came across a little bean plant. This is significant because a bean plant had been planted with each cornstalk and yet we'd seen no beans all summer. I counted, "un, deux, trois..." (they were French green beans...) and found the wee plant had produced a stunning onze haricort vert! 

I also discovered my bean pocket (haricort vert poche) in my overalls. So that was also a pleasant surprise.  You never know when you might find yourself in need of an emergency bean.
Wait! This isn't what I did this get in here?
This is what I found.
poche de haricort vert


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