The Hottest Days of the Year
Harvest! Harvest time has begun in earnest. Tomatoes are finally ready. We have as many bananna peppers as we know what to do with. (There must be something besides pickling them...need to find some recipes.) We have lovely jalapeƱo peppers that are just the right amount of heat to eat. We have cherry tomatoes. We harvested the first zucchini. Early in the year, I worried that the winter squash I was planting were not taking off successfully. This is no longer the case. There are five of them already formed in this mass of foliage that has already brought down one of the sunflowers I'd planted with them. The soaking that we took last month is now being replaced by some really strong heat. Today, for instance, we'll reach 90 & soupy with humidity. I do love this weather, and because it lasts such a short time I feel compelled to embrace it. This is not entirely easy to do when you have an October marathon to train for and you need to run 14 miles in it (as I did this mornin...