Caged by Rain
Stair Expansion It has been a busy couple of weeks at Steepmeadow, punctuated by planting and construction and observing a pair of robins that nested in our front security light. At last, an opportunity to catch up in the blog as rain falls and keeps me out of the garden. It is a bit of a race to get everything planted. The large tomatoes and peppers in the greenhouse failed this year. It wasn't a total loss, as six cherry tomato plants made it into the bed, but everything else just didn't make it. This necessitated purchasing "cheaters." We got fourteen tomato plants (Early Girls, and two other varieties that I can't remember). We purchased two spicy pepper plants, four banana pepper plants, and a set of three "stoplight" peppers. I had an idea that will help us to identify which are which, and also to help keep the pests off. I impaled the pots that the cheaters came in on bamboo poles that will serve to tie the plants to as they grow. Underneath the ...