When life gives you lemons, dismantle your garden early and make green tomato pie.

So, yes, we had a little reminder about the perils of not having a prefrontal cortex. Some of the neighbor kids acted a bit thoughtlessly towards me and mine. This event had me consider the whole free garden idea- really, nobody was interested in it this year and it was producing a lot of cherry tomatoes that were either going to waste or just going into the growing pile of tomatoes that we need to use ourselves. I decided to clean up the garden and we'll be moving the dirt to a bed in the back and doing a different thing (probably clover) in the space where hope once stood. (sooooo dramatic- sorry) I am going to be heading back to work next week and so getting the bed cleared out is a perfectly acceptable job to do now before I get busy, and it suddenly gets frosty. Already long story short, I removed all the green cherry tomatoes as I yanked the remaining plants. I've made green tomato pie and crisp from larger tomatoes and it is a very fine thing, indeed, to do. I was hopef...