Whole Lotta Wood

Will Two Cords of Wood Heat Steepmeadow All Winter? We got a whole lotta wood . Two cords seasoned cut and split yesterday. It did leave us the not inconsiderable task of stacking. As darkness fell last Thursday, we had to resort to hurling the wood into wheelbarrows and just dumping in the back yard to get it put out of sight for the night. Whew. It is a relief to have this supply laid in. (Here is a video showing what two cords of firewood look like stacked. Last spring when we saw natural gas prices rise precipitously, it occurred to me that it would be a good idea to convert the then unusable fireplace on our lower level into a functioning heating appliance. I have long wanted to be able to heat the house without relying on the power grid. So we purchased and had installed a modern fireplace insert . These burn efficiently enough to - hopefully - qualify for a 26% tax credit for heating with renewable biomass (on both the fireplace and the professional installation). 75% is t...