September Mourn

Dwindling Returns While today is deceptively lovely, a clear blue sky and 86 degrees, we know that worse is on the way. September mourn . It might look like we're still getting food from the garden, but things are falling off drastically. It's weird. The tomatoes are mostly diseased, and we're planning to rip most of them out this weekend. The peppers that are producing (the habaneros and Anaheim chilis) are inedible hot. The lettuce is one of the few success stories this year. Succession planting is working, and there's plenty for salads, probably through September. Weirdly, the lovely sunflowers planted in front of the deck are failing to flower. Great stalks. No flowers. Something is eating our pumpkins before they have a chance to grow. Cucumbers are few and far between. Kale is doing alright. One row, 4' long is plenty more than enough. Spices are starting to go to seed. Next year, we MUST learn how to fertilize/feed better. It's the best explanation fo...