Nearly August Already?

You Can't Beat Beets Monday it will be August already, and we can tell that, in the event of societal collapse, we would starve pretty quickly. Some things are going well this year, many are not. Wildlife is a lot of fun out in the yard. There's a baby bunny that plays with a squirrel almost nightly on the back patio. There's a family of robins (3 chicks in all) ensconced on the light outside our garage. I think that I missed my calling as a wildlife photographer. My kid says, "No, you didn't. Your pictures are terrible." And they're not wrong. Unfortunately, I think that the cute rabbits denuded our blueberry bushes. Speaking of blueberry bushes, the three older ones along the side of the garage - we got them our first season here - are producing nothing. They just do not seem to be thriving. Similarly, this year we decided to try a new variety of pickling cucumber. We interplanted it with the peas to try to take advantage of two crops out of one bed. ...