The State of the Garden is Somewhat Neglected

We came back home to Steepmeadow after 10 days in the Canadian Rockies to find that we had many, many ripe strawberries, and a lot of weeding to take care of. First off, suffice to say that Jasper and Banff National Parks in Canada are mindbogglingly stunning. Pictures just can't capture the power of that landscape. It was a great place to run a marathon (a slightly disappointing, but considering the extra 4,000 feet in altitude not too bad 4:23). A good friend was kind enough to watch over our cats and even water our garden, which would surely have perished in the smothering 90 degree heat in our absence without it. We need to rethink long vacations in June. It's prime farming season. In any case, the plants all just about doubled in size while we were gone. A few ancho peppers were ready to harvest. We had a LOT of volunteer tomatoes pop up in last year's tomato beds. I replanted some of them into containers and into spots (notably the peppers in the Meg...