Infestation! Beating Them Back & We've Got the Beet

Infestation To my horror, I discovered an infestation of Japanese beetles on our peas last night. I'd seen one or two the night before, and for some reason decided to hope for the best instead of doing anything. Last night, however, I took emergency measures. Kiki looked up a recipe for a homemade spray (1 tsp. liquid dish detergent, 1 cup vegetable oil, 1 cup rubbing alcohol, 1 qt. of water). I quickly whipped this up and soaked the plants in it. Only a couple of beetles were left this morning, so I think it might actually have worked. We've Got the Beet Four more beets were ready to pull this morning. Having read that there's time for another crop of them, I planted the cavities created in the rows with new seeds. Hopefully we'll see another batch before the first frost.